How does it work?

  1. Below, tell me a bit about you and your dog so I can recommend a plan of action for you.
  2. Attend a 1 hour no-dog session to learn important concepts needed before you start.
  3. Start training with me and enjoy your dog!

Email Me at [email protected]

Email me at [email protected]

Thank you for reaching out! I will answer your message in 1-2 days. Please note I work Tuesday-Saturday and am closed Sunday/Monday.

Please include the following information:
  • Your Name (first and last)
  • How did you hear about The Proactive Pup?
  • Dog’s Name
  • Dog’s Breed
  • Dog’s Age
  • Dog’s Sex (neutered or spayed?)
  • What are you looking for help with?
  • Have you used a clicker before? How comfortable are you with clicker training?
  • Is your dog food, toy or play motivated? Please describe.
  • Are you a first time dog owner?
  • Where did you acquire your dog?
  • How old was the dog when you got it?
  • Does your dog have any current/ongoing medical conditions of any kind?
  • Are there other pets in your home? What kind?
  • Are there children in your home? How many and how old?
  • Do you have easy access to a backyard? Is it fenced?
  • Does your dog lunge and bark at other dogs or people?
  • Any questions for me that were not answered on my website?