A training plan tailored to you based on your situation and specific needs.

  Take it home! Classes include emailed summaries and videos so don’t stress about forgetting things.


Still have questions? Would you feel better meeting first before we start? 

Optional consults are 30mins at your home for us to discuss training in person, before we begin. 

Cost: $50 – this will go toward your training package.

Puppy Start Right Preschool

Cost: $550

Length/Duration: 6 weekly lessons, one hour each. (First lesson, no dog.)

Location: In your home, except for one where we visit a dog-friendly public place.

*Includes copy of Puppy Start Right book*

Requirements: 8-16 weeks old when class starts; proof of first DAPP vaccine and health certificate completed by veterinarian.

It’s SUPER important for every puppy to start learning these things right away – don’t wait!

  • learn to socialize puppy properly & build confidence
  • potty training
  • crate training
  • teach puppy that being groomed/examined is not scary
  • how to prevent/stop puppy biting, chewing, jumping, barking
  • appropriate play
  • build food drive for future training purposes
  • begin basic cues sit and come

Intro to Manners

Cost: $500

Length/Duration: 5 weekly, one-hour lessons (first lesson no dog)

Location: In your home

*Includes emailed homework summaries and videos*

Requirements: 16+ weeks old. Proof of all vaccines up to date and showing no signs of illness.

Good for those looking for an array of basic skills, and puppies continuing after Preschool. Begin learning these skills:

  • Polite leash walking
  • Come when called
  • Settle on a mat & crate training intro
  • Skills for grooming/exams
  • Leave it 
  • Sit and down

Advanced Manners

Cost: $400

Length/Duration: 4 weekly, one-hour lessons

Location: Dog-friendly public settings around town

Requirements: Intro to Manners taken first. Proof of all vaccines up to date and showing no signs of illness.

Further proof the skills learned in Intro to Manners to prepare for use in the real world. We’ll play around with distance, duration, distractions, and try different environments.

Customized Private Coaching

Have 1-2 specific skills you want to work on, but don’t think you need a full course? Feel free to reach out and we can come up with something!

Cost, Duration, and Location: will vary case to case.